Date: February 3, 2010
Time: 1800-2000
Location: 720 Empey Way, San Jose
Cost: Free of Charge
1. To enhance understanding and concepts of the basic Incident Command Structure (ICS).
2. Provide training on and resources for personnel who are likely to assume a supervisory role within the ICS structure
3. Introduction to concepts and principles of the National Response Framework and Incident Management System
Instructor: Alex Gordon, Public Health Preparedness
To RSVP contact Laura Rapolla:
Email at Laura.Rapolla@hhs.sccgov.org or call 408-885-4250
This course has been approved for 2.0 hours of continuing education by the Santa Clara County Emergency Medical Services Agency, an approved California EMS CE provider 43-0001 and California BRN CE provider # 15149